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Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Twenty percent of world population practice Islam as a religion. Many researcher postulate that Islam will surpass Christianity in twenty to thirty years. Islam originated in Arab in seventh century and the founder of Islam was a prophet named Muhammad. However, Muslims believe that, Islam is first and oldest religion of the world. It has been practiced since the creation of world by first human beings (Adam and Eve) as well as, Muhammad is the last prophet of Allah. Adherent of Islam share common set of beliefs (articles of faith) including, believing in oneness of God, his prophets, reveled books, angels, life after death and judgment day. Muslims have five obligatory acts of worships, which are known as pillars of Islam among these are, Tauheed; believing in oneness of God and Muhammad as, Allah last messenger and salve. Salat; prayers five times a day. Saum; fasting in the month of Ramzan. Zakat; charity for poor. Hajj; pilgrimage to Makah if one have means to fulfill the obligation.

“Mosque” is the place of worship, where Muslims offer five time prayers in congregation. Prayers are led by imam; who is religious scholar. “Khanna Kaba” is holy and sacred place for the adherents of Islam. Muslims go to perform pilgrimage in Khanna Kaba (Makah) once in lifetime, if they have means. “Zakat” is Muslim charity for poor people and factions. Muslims are obligated to pay charity once in a year to support poor people within society. The amount or percentage of charity depends upon the cash, gold, property, livestock and agriculture produce an adherent of Islam holds or has. “Ramzan”; Muslims fast in the month of Ramzan to realize the miseries of poor people with in a society. As well as, fasting is mandatory for a Muslims to have self-control on different urges.

Structural Functional Perspective on Islam

Quran is the holy book of Muslims, adherent of Islam believe that, Allah revealed the holy book (Quran). Muslims consider Quran as complete code of life. Muslims are supposed to live their life according to the teachings of Quran and Sunnah (the way Prophet Muhammad lived his life). In Muslim societies Values and norms are derived from the Quran and Sunnah. Muslim states follow Sharia law; the sources of sharia law include; Quran, Sunnah, Ijtahad, Ijma, Qias etc… Moreover, Islam creates sense of solidarity among individuals; which lead to the creation of strong nation. People share similar feeling towards sacred things and profane things. They have collective cherished norms, values and beliefs. Furthermore, Muslims frequently socialize in mosques due to, congregational prayers. Muslims help their coreligionists financially, those who do not possess means to fulfil their basic needs; which aid in eradicating poverty from society. Quran almost covers every aspect of human life. Quran provides information regarding norms and values of political system, economic system, family and education. It also discusses the rights of neighbors, wife, husband, women, children, servants and teachers.

Institution of Islam

Modern Muslim countries laws are not completely based on sharia. In Muslim democratic states there are some adjustments in the laws in accordance with the social change. In such countries clergy does not have authority over the legislature and judiciary. Moreover, in modern Muslim countries Islam work as an institution not as state constitution. Punishment for the deviant behavior differs from the sharia law. Criminals are tried and punished in accordance to the constitutional laws. Malaysia, Indonesia and Pakistan are the some examples of modern Muslim states. However, in Authoritarian Muslim states regulatory authority is based on sharia laws. Social change in the world or in neighboring countries do not bring any change in sharia law. The clergy in such Muslim states have absolute power. Political system based on sharia laws is completely centralized. Criminal are tried and punished according to the sharia law. Saudi Arabia is the best example of Muslim authoritarian state or kingdom. In Saudi Arab Punishment for theft is maiming of hands in public place. Adultery and blasphemy is punishable by death.

Conflict Perspective on Islam

According to Karl Marx, religion is the opium of the masses. Religion is used by the elite to suppress the poor. The elites, with the help of religion; keep poor focused on the life after death and the perks which will be received by them after death. For the reason that, they could not realize, they are being oppressed by the elite class. Religion support the poor to believe that, they should endure the hardship, inequality and suppression and not to revolt against oppressor.

Islam had been exploited by, America to sustain their hegemony over the world during cold war. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in late twentieth century gave birth to the fundamentalism in Pakistan and Afghanistan. After World War 2 Soviet Union and America emerged as two world power. Both were striving to sustain their hegemony in the world.

Soviet Union strategy was invasion through war, for sustaining hegemony. However, American invented the new strategy, to use non state agents to forward American agenda. Therefore, America with the help of Pakistan exploited Islam. Muslims from Afghanistan and Pakistan were exploited on the basis of their beliefs. They were told to wedge holy war (jihad) against the infidel USSR and if they die, during the war they will be rewarded with Janna (paradise) in life after death. This strategy of America gave rise to fundamentalism in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Due to America foreign policy people of modern Islamic state (Pakistan) were divided in to two factions. One faction was adaptive towards social change. Other (fundamentalist) were resistant to the social change. Which created conflict among two factions within a country.

Islam and Terrorism

The above mentioned development, gave birth to fundamentalism in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Fundamentalists were ready to engage in violence, against those who’s way of life differ from the Islamic teachings. They became ready to wedge war against the infidels; who ever want to bring social change in their society. This mentality of fundamentalist resulted in the catastrophic event of 9/11. Moreover, America declared war against terror. Fundamentalists were now officially declared as terrorists. Pakistan was United States front line ally in the war against terror. World has suffered from the evil of terrorism for decades. Fundamentalism which was promoted by America in Afghanistan now transformed in to terrorism. World has become an arena of conflict between fundamentalists and liberals. Pakistan has suffered a lot by supporting American strategy for arousing fundamental tendencies of Muslims. From 2001 till present, Pakistan has been the main target of terrorists. “Things which goes around comes around”. However, this conflict resulted in destructive social change rather than progressive change.

Modern conflict theorist believe that, religion is source of conflict between the two groups. Conflict take place in two groups due to sectarianism and fundamentalism. “Shiite and Sunni” conflict in Middle East and central Asia is the best example of conflict due to religion.


Written by; Khushdil Khan Kasi

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