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Social Change Theory

Ibn-i- khaldoon described society in ever changing state. He believed that, the state which loses force of Al-Asabia become disorganized. Therefore, societies in which individuals are not united, they would be ruled by outsiders. Therefore, it changes the entire...

Urban and Rural Society Theory

“Ibn-i-khaldoon” believed that, human society differs from animal society. It supersedes the animal society because of the following traits; human are endowed with wisdom, human beings need a leader to look after their wellbeing and guide them through difficult...

Al-Asabia (Social Solidarity)

“Ibn Khaldun” social theory Al-Asabia is about “social solidarity”. According to “Ibn Khaldun”“Al-Asabia” is the force, which push individuals towards one another and create a sense of unity amongst them. Moreover, this force of unity results in the creation of...
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