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Introduction to Sociology

Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Human Society and Behavior Sociology is the scientific study of human society and social behavior. It examines the patterns, structures, and dynamics that shape interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions....

Sociological Imagination

In today’s world we spend our daily life at work, hanging out with friends, watching television and surfing on internet. Our life is too narrow and isolated to understand the complexity of social world. Thousands of communities exist and Countless interactions...

History And Origin Of Sociology

The term sociology was first coined by the French essayist Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès in 1970 in an unpublished manuscript. Later, the term was reinvented by a French social thinker Auguste Comte in 1838. Auguste Comte; Auguste Comte was born in Montpelier, France on...

Branches of Sociology

The study of sociology is not limited or confined to the particular aspect of human social life and society. However, sociologists analyze each and every aspect of human social behavior and society. Sociology is the study of entire society, in which sociologists’...

Characteristics of Sociology

Sociology is a generalized, independent, abstract and ethically unbiased social science; theoretical knowledge of the discipline is obtained through rational and empirical methods. Independent Social Science Sociology is not a branch of any discipline but an...

Definitions and Origin of Sociology

Definitions of Sociology Sociology has been defined from different perspectives by sociologists’. Ward and graham Sumner defined sociology as, “the science of society”. Whereas, F.H Giddings defined it as “the science of social phenomena”. According to Emile Durkheim,...
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