Sociology Learners

Concept of Cultural Shock in Sociology

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When individuals interact in foreign culture, and find it unpleasant and upsetting is known as, cultural shock. When people feel confuse, upset, out of place or uncertain around new culture, it means they are experiencing cultural shock. World comprises of many diverse cultures, each country has its own culture. When individuals encounter and experience different culture for the first time, which differs from theirs. Generally, they feel disoriented and uncomfortable.

For instance, if a Muslim visits china and notices, dog meat cuisines, in the menu of Chinese restaurant. He may feel confuse or upset because, eating dog meat is prohibited in his religion. People experience cultural shock, when come across different norms and customs. Or, if a Muslim visits America, and sees women in skirts and shorts. He may not feel comfortable around women in provocative attires. It may be an unpleasant and concerting experience for him. Moreover, an American who works in Greece, may possibly not like Greek customs. Greeks do not maintain distance when they talk to others. They hug their acquaintances to greet them. On the other hand, American customs differ from Greeks. They maintain their distance during conversation and avoid physical contact. Americans possibly will feel uncomfortable and confuse around Greeks. However, Greeks could be surprised by American culture. They may possibly think, Americans are emotionally cold and consider themselves superior.

Usually, we do not pay attention to our surroundings and traditions of cultures. Therefore, we experience cultural shock, when we realize diverse cultures exists within the world. It is disturbing and surprising for us to know, people have different culture and follow different ways of life. We forget that, traditions which are strange and upsetting for us, are normal and functional in other culture. We do not think that, our traditions and cultural practices may seem, strange and abnormal to other cultures as well.

Written By, Khushdil Khan Kasi

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