Sociology Learners

Verstehen and Value Free Sociology

Max Weber contribution to the discipline of sociology is remarkable. Similar to his other theories Verstehen is also the most influential theory of Max Weber. Verstehen is German word, which means value free. Almost all of human behavior is derived from values, max weber believed that, social research should be conducted value free, researcher should not compel the responder to draw conclusion based on his personal opinion and value judgment, while collecting a data for research. Sociologists should explain society as it is rather than how it ought to be?   For instance, a professor of political science should teach his students political philosophy, different political institutions and political systems. But he should not impose his own opinion on the students that, which political organization is good or bad? Who should we vote for? And which political system is good or bad for the country?

Furthermore, sociologist should be neutral while conducting research, he should refrain from his value judgment about empirical evidence. True knowledge cannot be obtained if sociologists do not refrain their value judgment in collecting data for research and in interpreting data. Value free research will let the readers to draw conclusion themselves. Value judgment plays a role in selecting a discipline or selecting a topic for research. However, while conducting research, collecting data and interpreting results of research, researcher should be neutral.         

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