Sociology Learners

Technology Today

Nowadays, the world is completely dependent on the technology and innovation, and so everyone, no matter old or young is deeply involved in it. Technology is the most important component in today’s communities and role of it is getting complex in our lives day by day. It has impacted all societal aspects and helped in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency. However, there are some people exist in this world, who believe that technology has made the people lazy and cause them to pay attention of fun and social side like streaming movies, videos, social media, etc. rather than doing productive work. While, considering both facts, the benefits of the modern technology is undisputable, as it has improved the lives and change things in a best way. Integration of the technological innovations among different facets in human lives ha helped in transforming the glob and bring efficiency in everything. Innovation and technology has taken new and different forms which provide the description about the dependency of the majority in their jobs (Cho, Chang, and Jo, 2015).  

According to Argyle, (2017), firstly, people consider technology and innovation as ever changing. Now, different innovations are obsoleting with pace. People now become more competitive and bring new ideas, innovation and technologies to be challenging in market. A technology introduced in market, and with in a month or some days, competitors enter the market with something more challenging. Technological ideas are getting unleashed with the growing world and utilized the resources in every possible effective manner. Nothing now, seem surviving in this fast paced world, unless the one moves and maintain itself with the waves, the world moves away and it left behind.

Secondly, nowadays, technology is another name of improving the efficiencies and bring the effectiveness in the business world, society and human lives. Efficiency denotes with being effective and conducting the business or oneself in a manner, which entirely depicts the input. Initially, effectiveness and efficiency was computed by the level of work a group or a person do in the particular time period. However, the technology advent and improvement in the systems cause the shift from manual to automatic systems, deals with more worked could be achieved by less workers. With the improvement in technology, tactical activities of the companies are improvising and average cost of the work also reduce. People are able to manage themselves and could do more by handling less stress, which helps in maintaining the work life balance. Organizations are also able to decrease the working cost, which refer to more profits and growth. Entrepreneurs hire less individuals and workers do less work for more money (Pierce, 2018).

As stated by Hatch, (2018), modern technology is also denoting the speed. Currently, individuals are able and capable to perform certain task with convenience, speed and ease, than they never could before. Daily transactions of the business are now faster than before. Technology has brought improvement in speed of internet, people are now able to conduct meetings, converse from different parts, can video chat, live streaming etc. Moreover, transportation has also been improved because of technology advancement, as people are able to travel easily from one part of the world to another with ease, and in short time. Bullet trains are one of the significant invention, which helps people in covering the long distance within minutes (Argyle, 2017).

In the conclusion, it is summarized that, as world gets familiar with new things, ideas, and innovations, growth of the countries are consistent. Technology is the main reason for the countries growth and development. Those who are unable to cope in this fast, speedy and growing world, it is important for the people, companies, and countries to be technologically updated and upgraded, or else, will be left far behind, where no body will be able to help or provide their support. Development and technological growth must not effect the human nature, and their purpose of existence in this world. Questioning on the human nature is not the trait of the technology, as several societies are living together because of this.  But the technology is ever-changing, yet it must not change the existence of us, and who humans really are.


Argyle, M., 2017. Social Interaction: Process and Products. Routledge.
Cho, S., Chang, S. and Jo, I., 2015, April. The solid-state drive technology, today and tomorrow. In Data Engineering (ICDE), 2015 IEEE 31st International Conference on (pp. 1520-1522). IEEE.
Hatch, M.J., 2018. Organization theory: Modern, symbolic, and postmodern perspectives. Oxford university press.
Pierce, A., 2018. technology today. Tech Directions, 77(8), pp.8-9.

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