Sociology Learners

Structural and Functional Perspective in Sociology

Structural and functional perspective also known as functionalism and functional perspective that focuses on the study of structure (organization) and functions (maintenance) of society. According to Maccionis; “society is a complex system, whose parts work together for the solidarity and stability of society”. Functional perspective is inspired from the theories of “Herbert Spencer” and “Emile Durkheim”. Herbert Spencer viewed society as a living organism; structure of organism is based on multiple organs and body parts. Each organ has its own diversify function but contribute to the same cause, stability of living organism. He believed that, society is similar to living organism because it also comprises of different parts (social institutions) and each institution has its own diversify functions and roles in society, however, they are interdependent, which contributes to the stability and functioning of society as whole.

Structural and functional perspective can be better understand by the reader, from a practical example; people earn money from working different jobs, they pay taxes on their income to the Government. Government invest those taxes on the welfare of society such as, provide health facilities, educational facilities and provide security to the life and property of people. Parents want their children to get better education, job, healthcare and security of life and property, for which they are completely dependent on the Government. However, Government is dependent on people taxes too (who want all those services for their families) to satisfy their basic needs. Family and government are two different functioning social institutions of society, however, have influence on each other, both can’t operate without each other. According to “Parsons” in a healthy society, all the parts of society work together and have influence on one another, to produce a stable state; termed as, dynamic equilibrium.

Sociologist prime concern is to determine how societies work? Sociologist who view society from Functional perspective, conduct their research on the basis of, three basic assumptions; which are given below;

1. Stability; The major criteria for evaluating social pattern, is its contribution in the stability or maintenance of society.
2. Harmony; part of organism work similarly as part of society in harmony, for the betterment of society.
3. Evolution; adaptation of change in accordance to the evolving needs of society social structure and eliminating the outdated one.

Functions of social structure

Structural functionalist “Robert Merton”, refer to positive consequences of social structure as functions whereas, refer to the negative consequences of social structure as dysfunctions. Furthermore, there is also distinction between consequences. The intended or planned consequences (functional or dysfunctional) of social structure are conceptualized as manifest consequences whereas, the unintended or simultaneous consequences (functional or dysfunctional) are categorized and conceptualized as latent consequences.

To get a better grasp on the functions of social structure, let’s put the assumptions of the theory in to a example; consider, if the legislature of the state pass a sexual harassment law or bill, which includes that, perpetrator will be terminated from job effective immediately, has to pay a heavy fine in court and has to do few years prison time. If we evaluate this social action from functional perspective; manifest functions consequences of social action (sexual harassment bill) would be protection of women, against sexual, psychological and physical violence in the work place. Whereas, manifest dysfunction would be women wrongly accusing her colleague and boss, for personal interests. Latent dysfunction of social action (sexual harassment bill) could be, wrongly accused person may lose his job, saving for his children education and may serve time in jail for the crime he did not commit. Latent function of social phenomenon could be, it may build confidence in conservative communities to allow women to work and trust government with their protection. Remember that, functional theory is based on the assumption that any social actions which are proven to be, contributing factor for the maintenance of status qua, are considered to be functional. Moreover, those social actions which do not contribute in the maintenance and stability of status qua, are dysfunctional. However, functionalist are interested in the study of how social structures or institutions work together, for the core purpose of creating a society with order and stability.

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