Sociology Learners

Sex and Sexuality in Sociology

In the area of sexuality Sociologists focus on the sexual practices rather than, on the physiological structure or anatomy of human being. Sexuality refers to an individual capacity of sexual feelings, sexuality is interesting area of focus in sociology because it is cultural universal. Most of the people in the world have experienced sexual relationship. Each society view sexuality and sexual activity in different ways and have different attitude towards sexual activities such as premarital sex, masturbation, age of sexual consent and homosexuality. Most societies share the same normative behavior in sexuality such as disapproval of incest.

What is considered as moral and immoral, accepted or prohibited? are defined by the norms values and beliefs of society. For example, societies in which monogamy is normative behavior, extramarital sex and polygamy will be considered immoral and not accepted by the society. Sexual attitude is learned by an individual from family, friends, education, religion and media. In Traditional societies, religion dictated the guiding principles of sexual behavior however, in contemporary society’s peers and media have more influence on individual sexual behavior compare to religion. 

As discussed earlier that normative behavior regarding sexuality vary in different societies. According to cross national research, Scandinavian countries are more tolerant regarding premarital sex compare to other countries. People of Central Asian countries and south Asian countries value chastity, in their potential mate particularly in women. People of Philippine consider sex unethical before the age of 16.  

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