Sociology Learners

Power: Coercion and Authority

Power is the mean to get things done or compelling others to do something. Individuals have infinite needs and desires, all those needs and desires could not be fulfilled because they lack power to achieve them. At home children wish to have all the latest video games and toys to play with but, they could not have them because their parents have the power to make decisions for them. Parents hold power and authority at home. Children are supposed to do, whatever their parents want them to do. Parents have power to give their children freedom or impose restriction on them. If kid wants to attend party at his friend house, he is supposed to ask for his parents’ permission. The right of making decision and imposing a decision is called power. If people want decrease in taxes, they cannot do it by, themselves. Such type of authority rest in the hands of parliamentarians and parliament. They are the legitimate authority to decide whether to raise taxes or lower them. If citizens want a murderer to be hanged or put to death. They could not do such thing because they do not have authority to do such thing or make decision. This authority rest in the hand of Supreme Court or judiciary.

There are two type of powers, coercion and authority. Coercion; imposing your will upon someone by force or making someone to do something by force. whereas, Authority refers to legitimate power that is supported by social norms and values .

The work, activity and behavior, which is supported through Force or threat is called coercion. Force and threat may by social, financial, physical, and emotional. Parents may exercise coercive power by spanking their child to study or not to use abusive language. Mobs may force government to decrease taxes through violent agitations. Criminals forcing police office to be accomplice in illegal activity by threatening his life. Husband might force his wife to obey his command by, threatening to divorce her. Eye witness may be beaten or may be his property is destroyed by criminal to not to testify against them in court.
Authority is legitimate power which is supported by law and norms. Subordinates in public and private organizations are supposed to follow the order of their superiors. Police can arrest citizens for deviant behavior because they have legitimate authority. Supreme Court can decide punishments for criminals. Because state constitution has given specific powers to individuals and institutions. Max Weber has described three types of authorities which are as follow. Traditional, charismatic and rational-legal authority.

Traditional Authority

This is the type of authority which is given to a person because of sacred norms and traditions. In Islam Muslim scholars (imam) is given authority to settle dispute between two parties. Pope in Italy have traditional authority. In early ages, king had traditional authority, there was a belief among people; king has divine right to rule over the people.

Charismatic Authority

People give authority to a person who possess extra ordinary personality traits. Person who gains the right of making decision for people; because of his charming and extra ordinary character holds charismatic authority. Prophet Muhammad is the example of charismatic authority. People followed him because he had extraordinary character. He was honest, truthful, just and good statesman. Napoleon Bonaparte is another example of charismatic personality. He was followed and obeyed by the people because he was a good general, soldier, statesman and conqueror.

Rational-legal Authority

Such authority is given to a person or an institution on the basis of state law or constitution. For instance, police have authority to arrest a person who destroy public and government property. This authority is given to a police officer by constitution of state. Senate and Parliament can introduce new law and impose new taxes on citizens and businesses because they have Rational-legal authority.


Written by; Khushdil Khan Kasi

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