Sociology Learners

Gender Identity

Sometimes men are tempted towards the feminine social role and women are tempted by the masculine roles. Some societies are flexible in accepting men or women who act out and embrace the opposite social roles as far as it does not interfere with their gender identity. Gender identity is the self-conception of an individual of being male and female, not on the basis of biological make up but, based on the feminine and masculine gender roles.

Individuals within a society who act opposite to their gender roles are known as transgender. Transgendered male are tempted towards feminine gender roles that they identify their gender as female. Same goes with transgendered female they embrace the masculine gender roles and identify themselves as male. Some transgender alter their bodies surgically and by hormonal therapies so their physical appearance align with their gender identity- they are called transsexuals. Some transgender alter their bodies surgically but others keep their anatomy original as it was at birth, however, they pose in a public as opposite gender. They present themselves as opposite gender by dress, hairstyle, makeup and mannerism. However, it is not necessary that a person who like to dress like opposite sex are transgender, some do it for style and entertainment.

In many societies’ transgendered and transsexual become victim of discrimination and assault. According to a study transgendered and transsexual experience twice discrimination compare to non-transgender individuals. There are many social organizations who are working for the prevention of discrimination against transgendered.

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