Sociology Learners

Differential Association Theory

Edwin Sutherland developed the theory “differential association” in 1938. This theory view crime from symbolic interaction perspective. This theory is studied in the discipline of sociology and criminology. It states that criminal behavior is learned through social interaction. Individual learn criminal techniques, values and behavior via interacting with other criminals. Sutherland believed that, deviant behavior is the product of social environment in which an individual is raised. Individual learn most of his behavior from the group in which he/she interact. Primary group influence the behavior of individual which include family and peers. Individual adopt the norms, values and beliefs of primary group which influence the personality, attitude and behavior of an individual.

Learning process of human beings initiate since conception. Children are being conditioned with the norms and values of society. They learn gender roles via observing and interacting with their family members. Observation and social interaction are the tools of learning deviant behavior. Those individual who frequently interact with criminal minded people are most likely to learn criminal behavior.

An individual personality is formed through interaction, in a primary group. Parents, friends, girlfriend and siblings are the people who can influence the behavior of an individual because, interaction with them is inevitable. It is most likely for an individual to adopt the personality traits of primary group members. If someone among the members of primary group possess the criminal tendency and an individual frequently interact with him, the probability of adopting the criminal behavior is high.

Criminals are not born but made, no one is criminal by birth. They learn how to become a criminal, the crimes they commit is not rational for them in the beginning. However, they were taught to rationalize the unacceptable or deviant behavior, once which was alien to them.

In every country there is multiple cultures some cultural norms may differ from the state laws. Those cultures whose norms are hand in hand with state laws, members of such culture follows the state laws. However, cultures which norms differs from the state laws, members of such cultures might violate the state laws.

Those people who interact generally with criminals, compare to law abiding citizens are most likely to commit crimes or break the laws. The probability of deviant behavior can be identified through the number favorable and unfavorable associations.

Criminal behavior cannot be learned only from observation. There are many other ways to learn criminal behavior. For example, learning of criminal behavior might be the result of compulsion and seduction. Moreover, criminal behavior cannot be rationalized for gratifying basic needs because, majority satisfy their basic need trough normatively acceptable way in the similar scenario.    

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