Sociology Learners


Subcultures can be defined as, existence of different cultures within a single society. Whereas, Countercultures are the type of subcultures, which disregard or oppose some norms of Mainstream culture. Subcultures which coexist within a particular society usually, conform to dominant or mainstream cultural norms. On the other hand, some subcultures reject the social norms of larger or dominant culture, which are labelled as countercultures in sociology. All countercultures can be characterized as subcultures but then again, all subcultures cannot be regarded as countercultures. Furthermore, Mainstream cultural norms and values are collectively shared by most groups within a particular country. Thus, dominant culture holds more power to determine and influence societal norms. In contrast, groups which holds less power get relegated to sub-groups. Besides, each culture is unique and has its own norms and values due to which, all subcultures cannot amalgamate in dominant culture. From time to time, sub-groups cultural norms come in conflict with mainstream cultural norms; which might result in deviance, social movements, revolution and cultural change.

Societies are not completely homogeneous, generally, Heterogeneous groups coexist within a single society. These groups have different cultures which are called subcultures. Each sub-group cultural background is the combination of different influences. It could be formed on the basis of, ethnicity, religious believes, philosophical ideologies, social classes, sects, gender, race etc… for instance, United States is composed of diverse ethnic groups, racial groups, religious groups, sects and social classes including, African Americans, American Indians, Hispanic Americans, Christianity, Islam, Catholics, protestants, business class, working class etc… Similarly, Pakistan is composed of diverse ethnic groups, religious groups, sects and social classes these include, Punjabi, Pashtun, Sindhi, Saraiki, Muhajir, Baloch, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Ahmadi, Shiites, Sunnis etc… When too many cultures coexist in a single society, conflict is inevitable between dominant and subcultures. Due to the conflict sub groups oppose or reject some of the norms of mainstream culture; which is regarded as countercultures.

Countercultures could be established on the basis of philosophical ideologies, which may give rise to social movements within a given society. “Philosophical ideology” refers to, political and cultural beliefs of an individual or group. Whereas, “Social movement” is the grouping of people for a particular social or political cause. Moreover, sometimes countercultures can become major threat to mainstream culture or, they may overtake the mainstream culture and become the norm. For instance, Karl Marx, philosophy of classless society and equality tempted many groups and individuals all over the world. Which further resulted in many social movements in different countries. Karl Marx, economic, political and social ideology was against the norms of mainstream cultures of many societies at that time. Communist Party of Cuba (Partido Comunista de Cuba party) headed by Fidel Castro was established on the basis of Karl Marx philosophy. This organization worked against the norms of contemporary mainstream culture of Cuba at that time. However, the movement led by Fidel Castro through communist party resulted in, establishment of communist state. At that time Cuba was a democratic state but, from time to time, it was regulated by military junta or non-elected government.

Countercultures which are based on religious beliefs often come in conflict with dominant culture. Behaviors which are considered deviant in dominant culture could be normative in accordance to sub-groups adhered religious faith. For instance, Islamic religious groups are subcultures of America and India. In both countries Polygyny is considered deviant behavior and is punishable by law. Whereas, Polygyny is legal and considered normative behavior in Islam. Muslims religious beliefs comes in conflict with dominant culture of both countries. Therefore, Religious groups based on Islam could be regarded as countercultures in America and India. Furthermore, countercultures could be established on the basis of sex and race. Civil rights and feminist movements in America are the best example of countercultures based on race and sex.

Written by; Khushdil Khan Kasi

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