Sociology Learners

Conflict Perspective in Sociology

Functional and conflict perspective may analyze society from macro level. However, both theories completely differ in perceiving society. Functional school of thought focus on, order and stability of society, whereas, conflict theories, focus on existing inequalities in society, which results in conflict between social classes and eventually rapid change in social structure of society. Conflict theory view society in a state of conflict between different social classes. Powerful people, who controls means of production or rich in material resources, oppress weak who lagged behind in material resources. Nevertheless, conflict can also arise as a result of the roles assigned by societies, on the basis of cast, creed, color and gender. Conflict perspective is inspired from the theories of following social thinkers, Karl Marx, George Simmel, Lewis A. Coser , C. Wright and George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

Karl Marx theories view society from conflict perspective, according to him society comprises of different social classes, however those social classes are in state of conflict due to existing economic inequalities. Which is explained in “communist manifesto” by Fredrick Engle’s and karl marx. According to them history of every society is the history of class struggle. Crux of karl marx theories is that, there is economic conflict between two groups proletariat and bourgeoisie. Proletariat are working class people, who works on daily wedges and do not have enough resources to buy equipment for the production. Bourgeoisie are those people who own means of production and factories where workers work. According to Karl Marx in capitalist society rich will become richer and poor will become poorer. Since poor don’t own share in the means of production therefore, they are not provided the fair share of their work. Workers are being exploited by the owner of factories who own means of production, profit which is generated from the hard work of workers goes in the pocket of few who are rich in material resources.

other modern conflict theorist agree with Karl Marx’s view of conflict between social classes on the basis of economic inequalities, however they observed that, economic inequalities alone doesn’t explains the social conflict comprehensively. Some other inequalities exists as well within a society, which should also be taken into consideration. Conflict can also arise as a result of the assigned roles on the basis of cast, creed, color and gender. For example, in some societies women are not allowed to take part in any educational activities, which explains the inequality in educational opportunities on the basis of gender. Feminist social groups and organization are the best fitted example for gender inequality and change in society.

Assumption behind conflict perspective;

Conflict perspective is based on Karl Marx theories.

Assumption behind the perspective are given below;

Competition; multiple social groups’ compete over scarce resources.

Structural inequalities; unequal distribution of wealth amongst the individuals in society. Uneven opportunities on the basis of material wealth, gender and religion.

Social change; social change take place as a result of conflict among different social groups; Marx believed that conflict between proletariat and bourgeoisie will result in overthrowing of capitalist system, which will be replaced with communism.

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